If you have not yet gone through menopause, you may not need any treatment, unless the cyst is very big or causing pain. Sometimes, taking birth control pills will make the cyst smaller. Surgery may be needed if the cyst is causing symptoms or is more than 2 inches across.
If surgery is needed, often the cyst can be removed without removing the ovary. Even if one ovary has to be removed, it is still possible to become pregnant as long as one ovary remains.
After menopause, the risk of ovarian cancer increases. Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst is usually recommended in this case. Your doctor will probably want to do a biopsy to see if cancer is present.
If you have gone through menopause and you have an ovarian cyst, talk with your doctor about what will be done during surgery. Make sure you understand whether he or she plans to remove just the cyst, the cyst and the ovary, or to do a hysterectomy. Talk over the options with your doctor and make your own wishes known.
Hilton Johani is a leading expert on period pains,Tinnitus, hyperacusis and Meniere's disease and has been assisting John Currie in running his tinnitus related website since 1999.
His advice and tinnitus treatment plans have helped thousands of people around the world.
by Hilton Johani