Thursday, December 25, 2008

Screening of ovarian cancer

When a patients is suspected of ovarian cancer tests and examination are always done before surgery. The doctor will check the patients medical and family history and after the medical history been done a physical exam together with a pelvis exam and pap test will be done on the patients. During the pelvic exam the doctor might able to felt an ovarian lump.

Others screening of ovarian cancer tests are chemistry screen to check for liver and kidney problems. When the doctor have done all the screening then surgery will be done. Surgery such as removing the ovaries and fallopian tube, removing lymph nodes. At times appendectomy will be done to removes your appendix.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Knowing some of the early sign of ovarian cancer

Knowing some of the early sign of ovarian cancer can save ones life but the symptoms of ovarian disease is quite difficult to know in the beginning as the disease are so mild that even the doctor may escape with the symptom or take the symptoms for other disease unless a fully body check is done. Still the real causes of ovarian cancer remain unknown but researchers believe it might be causes due to the monthly release of an egg through a tiny tear in an ovarian follicle. This ovarian cancer can occur in one or both ovaries, located on either side of the uterus. Most of the beginning symptoms of ovarian cancer are abdominal pain and urinary incontinence.

The first sign are always pain in abdomen and it is due to the ovarian tumors that attacking the female abdomen. This pain in the abdomen are always taken as stomach ache. If the pain in the abdomen happens many times. Another early symptoms of ovarian cancer are urinary incontinence where by the women will have abnormal urge to urinate and sometimes a woman may even leak urine even if she has gone to the bathroom. it is wise to check with your doctor and tells the doctor all about the unusual things.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Early symptoms of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer refer as a silent cancer to women as the symptoms will slow to show and when it is notice its already spreads to other parts of the body or in the advance stage and the changers of curing is poor. The early stage symptoms of ovarian cancer can be notice or include is feeling difficulty in eating or feeling full most of the time or quickly. Feeling frequency and urgency in urine, bloating and feeling abdominal or pelvic pain. If women who experience such symptoms its advisable to see your doctor for early check up, as early stage diagnosis is associated with an improved prognosis which can save your life.

Women who has many children and breastfeeding their babies, their chances of diagnosis with ovarian cancer are very low in percentage. Taking birth controls is another factors that can lower the chances of getting ovarian cancer.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Symptom and risk factors of ovarian cancer

As ovarian cancer is a silent disease because most of the symptom when diagnose is at a late stage and had spread to other parts of the body. Ovarian cancer is a disease in which malignant cells are found in an ovary. The three cells that are found in the tissue are epithelial cell as most of these tumor are benign and 85% of this epithelial are ovarian cancer cases. The germ cell and the stromal cell. Most of the early symptom of ovarian cancer swelling in the abdomen. Having the frequency and urgency of urine. Feeling pain during sexual intercourse. Bowel problem and unexplained weight loss and gain. Loss of appetite and bleeding from the vagina.

Some of of risk factors of ovarian cancer in women are women whose family has history of ovarian cancer, Women having their first child at the age of after 30 years old, Having late Menopause mostly after the age of 55. Women who used Hormone Replacement Therapy after menopause periods has increased risk of suffering ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer may be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of treatments.

Monday, November 19, 2007

estrogen treatment increased the risk of ovarian cancer

Research has found that women during menopausal periods taking estrogen treatment are eight times higher risks of developing ovarian cancer than women who do not taking estrogen treatment. Estrogen treatment as confirned by the research as the cause of ovarian cancer and are likely to develop cancer of the lining of the uterus.

The latest large studies of ovarian cancer found a link between hormone use , showed that postmenopausal estrogen use for more then ten years was associated with the increased risk of ovarian cancer. Another reports that estrogen use alone and estrogen progestin used on average about ten days in a month will increased the risk of ovarian cancer.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Blood test for colon cancer risk

Doctor may soon be able to determine if a patients needs a colonoscopy through a new blood test which looks for a cancer related proteins that can identify colon cancer and precancerous polyps. This screening procedure for colon cancer is recommended for all adults over the age of fifty. The cancer reseacher doctor said that if the doctor can tell you, that you have a 92% change of having colon cancer, you might be more willing to undergo a colonoscopy.

Doctor use several tools to screen for colon cancer and precancerous lesions, including blood tests and imaging technologies such as virtual colonoscopy. Another promising new test identifies genetic markers for cancer in stool sampales. The blood test might also reduce the overall number of people who needs a colonoscopy by screening out low risk patients. Patient who is at high risk should have the test righ aways.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Ovarian cancer,women without children are at higger risk

Every year there are thousand and thousands of new cases of ovarian cancer discovered in the world and thousands deaths per year cause by ovarian cancer. The average age of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer is 60. It can happen in women at the early age or after sixty.

Most ovarian cancer symptoms are only detected at the late stages of the disease as the disease has already spread to others parts of the body. At this stages surgery is treated to remove the cancerous cells and then follow by chemotheraphy. It is advisable to see your doctor if you comes across symptoms such as intestinal problems, vaginal bleeding or problems with your menstrual cycles as earliest detection can save the disease from spreading to others parts of the body.

Women who had children had lower risk of getting ovarian cancer than women who had never been pragnant before or do not had children. Women using a long time oral contraceptives also reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.