There are ways to reduce and prevent your risk factors for ovarian cancer. The best way to reduce your chance of ovarian cancer is to take oral contraceptives or birth control pills. Studies have found that these medicines have reduced the risks of ovarian cancer by over fifty percent for women who have taken them for three or more years. As mutations of certain genes has be found in women who have had genetic screening.
Fallopian tubes is another ways for tying to reduce and prevent rick of ovarian cancer. Fallopian tubes has help to reduce the risks of ovarian cancer by two-thirds. And also a good option for those women who are sure they don’t want kids anymore.
In addition, those who have more than one child and breast feed them for more than one year have been found to have a reduced risk of developing ovarian cancer.
Of course it is best to discuss these issues with your doctor, get screening and have a strategy on reducing your risks of ovarian cancer.