Monday, September 10, 2007

Blood test for colon cancer risk

Doctor may soon be able to determine if a patients needs a colonoscopy through a new blood test which looks for a cancer related proteins that can identify colon cancer and precancerous polyps. This screening procedure for colon cancer is recommended for all adults over the age of fifty. The cancer reseacher doctor said that if the doctor can tell you, that you have a 92% change of having colon cancer, you might be more willing to undergo a colonoscopy.

Doctor use several tools to screen for colon cancer and precancerous lesions, including blood tests and imaging technologies such as virtual colonoscopy. Another promising new test identifies genetic markers for cancer in stool sampales. The blood test might also reduce the overall number of people who needs a colonoscopy by screening out low risk patients. Patient who is at high risk should have the test righ aways.